General knowledge of Basque Country the state/province of Spain

Mostly asked questions about the province Basque Country

What is the country of Basque Country ?

What is the country code ISO2 of Basque Country ?

How many cities are in the state Basque Country ?

What are geo coordinates of each city in Basque Country ?

What are the name of cities of Basque Country ?

Best infopoint's world database gives the answers of all questions which are asked above related to Basque Country

First question is about the country which is Spain and ES is its ISO2 also known as country code. Third question is about the cities of Basque Country there is only 149 cities in this state. Following is the list of each city in Basque Country by their geo coordinates/latitude and longitude.

State/Province Name Basque Country
Country Name flag of ES Spain
Country Code ES
Total States of Spain 64
Total Cities of State 149

All Cities of Basque Country

City No. City Name Latitude Longitude
1 Aduna 43.20375000 -2.05033000
2 Agurain / Salvatierra 42.85162000 -2.39123000
3 Aia 43.23721000 -2.14833000
4 Aizarnazabal 43.25591000 -2.23607000
5 Albiztur 43.12933000 -2.13649000
6 Algorta 43.34927000 -3.00940000
7 Alkiza 43.17263000 -2.10923000
8 Alonsotegi 43.24483000 -2.98759000
9 Amezketa 43.04813000 -2.08541000
10 Amorebieta 43.21667000 -2.73333000
11 Amoroto 43.32634000 -2.51349000
12 Amurrio 43.05000000 -3.00000000
13 Andoain 43.21658000 -2.02530000
14 Anoeta 43.16241000 -2.07107000
15 Antzuola 43.09725000 -2.37998000
16 Araba / Álava 42.83333000 -2.75000000
17 Araia 42.89345000 -2.31314000
18 Arama 43.06335000 -2.16540000
19 Aretxabaleta 43.03414000 -2.50456000
20 Armiñón 42.72313000 -2.87172000
21 Arrasate / Mondragón 43.06441000 -2.48977000
22 Arrigorriaga 43.21006000 -2.88562000
23 Asteasu 43.19436000 -2.09818000
24 Astigarraga 43.28174000 -1.94634000
25 Ataun 43.00612000 -2.17663000
26 Aulesti 43.30000000 -2.56667000
27 Avellaneda 43.22942000 -3.16172000
28 Axpe de Busturia 43.38355000 -2.69772000
29 Azkoitia 43.17744000 -2.31129000
30 Azpeitia 43.18246000 -2.26693000
31 Bakio 43.42917000 -2.80881000
32 Baliarrain 43.06928000 -2.12781000
33 Barakaldo 43.29639000 -2.98813000
34 Basauri 43.23970000 -2.88580000
35 Bastida / Labastida 42.58974000 -2.79568000
36 Beasain 43.05017000 -2.20087000
37 Beizama 43.13385000 -2.20001000
38 Berango 43.36500000 -2.99601000
39 Berantevilla 42.68254000 -2.85832000
40 Bergara 43.11510000 -2.41750000
41 Bermeo 43.42088000 -2.72152000
42 Berriatua 43.31667000 -2.46667000
43 Berriz 43.16667000 -2.56667000
44 Berrobi 43.14518000 -2.02623000
45 Bilbao 43.26271000 -2.92528000
46 Bizkaia 43.25000000 -2.91667000
47 Deba 43.29571000 -2.35213000
48 Derio 43.30544000 -2.88116000
49 Donostia / San Sebastián 43.31283000 -1.97499000
50 Durango 43.17124000 -2.63380000
51 Ea 43.37985000 -2.58556000
52 Eibar 43.18493000 -2.47158000
53 Elciego 42.51569000 -2.61897000
54 Elexalde 43.15000000 -2.93333000
55 Elgoibar 43.21601000 -2.41334000
56 Elorrio 43.12924000 -2.54056000
57 Erandio 43.30438000 -2.97352000
58 Ermua 43.18725000 -2.50261000
59 Errenteria 43.31195000 -1.90234000
60 Errigoiti 43.31667000 -2.71667000
61 Eskoriatza 43.01829000 -2.52598000
62 Eskuernaga / Villabuena de Álava 42.54787000 -2.66552000
63 Forua 43.33343000 -2.67504000
64 Galdakao 43.23073000 -2.84290000
65 Gasteiz / Vitoria 42.84998000 -2.67268000
66 Gatika 43.36313000 -2.87294000
67 Gaztelu 43.11622000 -2.02439000
68 Güeñes 43.21252000 -3.09497000
69 Gernika-Lumo 43.31667000 -2.68333000
70 Getaria 43.30326000 -2.20444000
71 Getxo 43.35689000 -3.01146000
72 Gipuzkoa 43.16667000 -2.16667000
73 Hernani 43.26615000 -1.97615000
74 Hernialde 43.15446000 -2.08521000
75 Hondarribia 43.36859000 -1.79622000
76 Ibarrangelu 43.39027000 -2.63423000
77 Idiazabal 43.01189000 -2.23356000
78 Irun 43.33904000 -1.78938000
79 Irura 43.16651000 -2.06746000
80 Izurtza 43.15000000 -2.63333000
81 Lagrán 42.62625000 -2.58385000
82 Laguardia 42.55461000 -2.58528000
83 Landa 43.38333000 -2.95000000
84 Lanestosa 43.21986000 -3.43920000
85 Lapuebla de Labarca 42.49455000 -2.57341000
86 Larraul 43.18773000 -2.10202000
87 Lasarte 43.26774000 -2.02169000
88 Laudio / Llodio 43.14322000 -2.96204000
89 Leaburu 43.12188000 -2.05430000
90 Legorreta 43.08464000 -2.15017000
91 Leintz-Gatzaga 42.98684000 -2.56851000
92 Leioa 43.32686000 -2.98884000
93 Lekeitio 43.36417000 -2.50492000
94 Leza 42.56552000 -2.63324000
95 Lezama 43.02799000 -2.97257000
96 Lezo 43.32142000 -1.89739000
97 Lizartza 43.10236000 -2.03489000
98 Mañaria 43.13819000 -2.66104000
99 Markina-Xemein 43.26667000 -2.50000000
100 Mendaro 43.25326000 -2.38568000
101 Mendexa 43.34590000 -2.48420000
102 Moreda Araba / Moreda de Álava 42.52571000 -2.40828000
103 Mundaka 43.40804000 -2.69852000
104 Mungia 43.35461000 -2.84524000
105 Murgia 42.95686000 -2.81945000
106 Mutiloa 43.02288000 -2.27257000
107 Mutriku 43.30643000 -2.38517000
108 Navaridas 42.54566000 -2.62650000
109 Oñati 43.03262000 -2.40997000
110 Oion / Oyón 42.50571000 -2.43638000
111 Olaberria 43.02726000 -2.20349000
112 Ondarroa 43.31667000 -2.41667000
113 Ordizia 43.05410000 -2.17632000
114 Orendain 43.07896000 -2.11201000
115 Orexa 43.09382000 -2.01119000
116 Oria 43.25541000 -2.01873000
117 Orio 43.27870000 -2.12537000
118 Ormaiztegi 43.04339000 -2.25673000
119 Ortuella 43.31113000 -3.05617000
120 Pasaia 43.32530000 -1.92707000
121 Plentzia 43.40530000 -2.94794000
122 Portugalete 43.32099000 -3.02064000
123 Samaniego 42.56854000 -2.67974000
124 Santurtzi 43.32842000 -3.03248000
125 Santutxu 43.25347000 -2.91610000
126 Segura 43.00753000 -2.25400000
127 Sestao 43.30975000 -3.00716000
128 Sondika 43.30020000 -2.92442000
129 Sopela 43.37891000 -2.98313000
130 Sopuerta 43.26239000 -3.15505000
131 Tolosa 43.13484000 -2.07801000
132 Urduña / Orduña 42.99435000 -3.00974000
133 Urnieta 43.24727000 -1.99084000
134 Usurbil 43.27164000 -2.04912000
135 Villabona 43.18540000 -2.05304000
136 Villanueva de Valdegovía 42.84777000 -3.09883000
137 Zaldibar 43.16667000 -2.53333000
138 Zalla 43.23333000 -3.13333000
139 Zambrana 42.66102000 -2.87909000
140 Zamudio 43.28600000 -2.87000000
141 Zaratamo 43.21667000 -2.86667000
142 Zarautz 43.28444000 -2.16992000
143 Zeanuri 43.10000000 -2.75000000
144 Zegama 42.97556000 -2.29091000
145 Zestoa 43.23973000 -2.25790000
146 Zierbena 43.35000000 -3.08333000
147 Zizurkil 43.19917000 -2.07420000
148 Zumaia 43.29469000 -2.25341000
149 Zumarraga 43.08858000 -2.31408000